Target Audience.
wow take me back
Laurens staff
Welslagen candidates
Important things to note about the audience.
- majority are women.
- above 30. So mature/adult. It can be younger and a lot older. but most contestants seem to be in their late thirties. Carla too.
- Carla is both the 'subject' and the target audience.
- the image of Laurens and the contestants has to be protected, in this video. As Carla is basically given a passive ambassador role, representing both Laurens and Welslagen.
verschillende organisaties, die de focus leggen op werk in zorg en welzijn. Ik denk dat de trajecten soortgelijk zijn aan Laurens. Maar dat er verschillende moeilijkheden tussen elk bedrijf zitten.
I think that their sister organisations also work on getting people out of welfare and reducing the lack of people working in healthcare.
Most candidates have children and family as Carla has. It would be nice to create a video that is also accessible to these demographics. Also, to create respect for the candidates. The covid-19 pandemic has been hard on the entire population, and people like Carla worked through this. Seeing people drop dead by the second in groups.
the video therefore should be accessible to all.