Why are you so bent on turning Carla into a Hero.
What do you even mean by heroic
What is heroic to you
If you have to distance yourself
Why does Carla speak heroically to you
Is there actually room for transgression and transformation
What do you want to transform
Against what do you want to transgress
Can you make a difference, even if it's a small difference
Will it actually be a difference.
In another reality would you harbour the same idea
Why do you think transgression is worth sleep over?
not calling my entire existence a piece of shit, but the self-hating part. I really needed to terminate that behaviour out of me.
take me to research blog.
Socratic questioning
to offer a complex representation of humanity as a whole.
These questions are proving to be quite formative and helpful as these issues and worries have been present within me for such
But is trangression alone enough?
a long time and have been halting me in my process as a result. Asking these questions is igniting me to look for answers and I am less anxious working on this specific film..
Socratic questioning